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PAC Information

ACEC’s role is to foster a business climate in Congress and the VA General Assembly to ensure that the interests of engineering companies are protected. In addition, ACEC holds paramount the primary obligation of engineers to promote the general public's health, safety, and welfare. Advocacy efforts will allow our members’ contributions to the built environment to continue for the public good in Virginia, the country, and worldwide.

ACEC Virginia tracks and identifies bills of interest and works with legislators to include language-friendly engineering industries.

Federal PAC

ACEC's Political Action Committee - ACEC/PAC - is the engineering industry's primary political engagement tool at the national level. Supported by engineering professionals from across the country who work for member firms, the sole purpose of ACEC/PAC is to elect candidates to the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate who support policies and legislation favorable to the engineering industry.

ACEC Virginia is committed to engineering firms' business interests by providing advocacy efforts that support issues in our industry.  As the leader in engineering associations in Virginia, we are the voice of engineering firms to ensure that our members are represented in all legislative efforts.

Monthly ACEC/PAC Raffles:

Each month will feature a new item or experience to enter to win all in support of the PAC.  You must be an ACEC Virginia, and an email will be sent to you with details for the raffle each month.

2024 PAC Raffle Winners:

January: Massanutten Gift Card $400: Jeff Rogers, KCI

February: For the Love of Chocolate and Ruth's Chris Gift Cards: John Stuart, Clark Nexsen

March: Kevin Kokal, Kings Dominion or Busch Gardens Season Passes


Contributions to the ECVPAC may be either firm or individual contributions. Firms may also provide a voluntary contribution when paying annual state dues. The annual ECVPAC Golf Classic or the Silent Auction during our Annual Conference are other fun ways to make a difference!

To make a contribution via check, complete this form and mail it to Engineering Companies of Virginia PAC at 8600 Mayland Drive, Richmond, VA 23294.

To make a contribution online, log in to the Member Information Center. On the left-hand toolbar, click on Billing>Make a Payment. Enter the amount you would like to donate, add the comment "ECVPAC Donation," and then follow the prompts to complete your transaction.

ECV PAC Events

ECV PAC Golf Classic, May 20, 2024, @ The Foundry Golf Club

Annual Conference Silent Auction, June 20, 2024 @ Hilton VA Beach

Staff Contact: Kristina Preisner

Chair: Victor Angell, Wiley|Wilson

Ex-Officio: Chadd Yeatts, Schnabel Engineering

Minuteman Fund

The Minuteman Fund represents one of the most direct ways in which ACEC provides assistance to M.O.s for local battles of national importance. It has been used successfully for a host of initiatives by M.O.s nationwide to defend our front-line business interests. With your support, we will continue to build up the Fund and use it aggressively.

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